We will also be joined by Brooke Moore, an Arkansas lawyer who operates a virtual law practice at MyVirtual.Lawyer. She has given literally hundreds of presentations on law office management and technology.
She was chair of the 2014 ABA TECHSHOW Planning Board and is a recognized authority on all aspects of law practice management and technology. Natalie Kelly, director of the Law Practice Management Program for the Georgia State Bar Association, will be presenting at our conference for the first time. New and innovative ways to serve clients will be central to the conference this year, with a special focus on limited scope services, client portals and serving clients via a virtual law practice. This year will include a special Cybersecurity Fair, sponsored by Eide Bailly. It is important for all lawyers to guard their clients’ confidences and protect themselves against hackers and other wrongdoers while avoiding measures that are financially unaffordable or that a lawyer who is not a technology expert cannot easily manage.
“Serve Your Clients and Protect Their Data” is the theme of the 2018 OBA Solo & Small Firm Conference, June 21-23 at River Spirit Casino Resort in Tulsa.